Tuning My Song
Today, I'm working on the third edition of my newsletter, The Aha Moment. Last month, someone commented that publishing this newsletter takes guts. I wholeheartedly agree. Developing an email newsletter can be a daunting task and I am not immune to the vulnerability that seeps in as soon as I hit the SEND button each month I saw a cartoon the other day that sums it up pretty well. You think you have a good idea, you get inspired, and so you create. You create, and then you share/publish/show your creation to the world. Immediately, self-doubt sets in. You think about how immature, irrelevant, unprofessional, and/or unworthy your creation is compared to the thousands of others out there. Why would anyone find your creation to be of interest? That is the vulnerability I'm talking about. But thankfully, my guts, in the middle of the swarm of butterflies, say, "What's the worst that could happen? If someone unsubscribes it's okay. It's feedback. It means you