Transforming Ideas Inspire Innovation

What does Ideas Inspire Innovation mean? Below is a graphic created to show the flow and definitions of the message:

If we interchange some of these definitions we come up with more tangible yet flexible combinations: Opinions influence introductions. Beliefs produce new methods. Thoughts bring about change.

It’s easier to provide examples of these new translations, examples that are less reaching and more elementary, more everyday in their nature.

Opinions influence introductions.

I give presentations at work. Usually these presentations involve interpretation of data or research. Of course any information presented has a slice of opinion in it. After presenting to a large group it’s typical that I encounter a face I do not recognize but that recognizes me and has an opinion about what I presented.

Another example could be regarding any organization, volunteer effort, or other group you have joined or wanted to join. Usually an opinion -- whether it’s a political affiliation, an interest you have, or an activity you enjoy or brings value to your life -- drives what type of organization you want to join. As you gather up the courage and organize yourself to enter a new activity you usually need to introduce yourself to someone within.

Depending on your level of extraversion you may find introductions to be easy and you may walk up to the first person you see and stick your hand out for a welcoming handshake. Others may use a bit more discretion and opinion in determining who to introduce themselves to first. You may look at bios of people online and select one that seems to have a similar background or provides information that sparks an opinion you want to share with that person. Or if at an in-person event, you may seek out someone who is of your same age range, dress attire, or other likeness. These introductions are purely determined upon your opinion of who will be most open to you.

Beliefs produce new methods.

When I was a child I remember modeling the behavior of those that I looked up and thought had all the answers. I folded my clothes and the towels exactly as my mother showed me, anything else was just ‘wrong’. When I was in high school my psyche started to grasp that there are many ways to do something that provide the same result. From age 15 to present day, I have tried out new methods and folding techniques on my clothes.

I remember the day I changed my behavior. I stood in front of the deep oak dresser that used to belong to my late great-uncle Cal. I looked down in the drawer to see my stacks of neatly folded underwear and tied together socks. The towers I so carefully built of precisely gathered panties fell over on top of one another as I pushed that drawer back into place. I was frustrated the care I took to do the job ‘right’ resulted in a strewn about pile in the end. Finally I decided this wasn’t the type of battle I wanted to fight and I pulled the drawer back out and I stuffed my hand in there and tossed everything every which way. To my delight the pieces fit together like a puzzle and didn’t move again as I shut the door. In fact, none of the pieces that used to get stuck in the top of the drawer as I shut it were even close enough now to get in the way because everything was intermixed in a beautiful mix of colors.

After that I thought about my socks. I believe that folding my socks modifies the natural shape of the sock, either stretching out the tops if you’re folding one sock over the other, or if you’re tying them together, by pinching the foot of the sock and adding creases and narrow areas that don’t belong. I do not want to compromise the happiness of my feet, so in this case, not folding them wins.

These beliefs have continued to evolve as I’ve aged and my closet space retracts or expands. In May, moving into a new home with little closet space made me rethink again how I fold my clothes. This time the item in question was tank tops and T-shirts. By using the methods I learned as a child I was creating piles that did not fit together in a uniform way, causing them to topple off their shelf and on to me when I’d try to stack them. So once again I modified my garment-folding techniques so that I could adapt to the environment around me.

All of these methods were inspired by the idea that maybe there are other ‘right’ ways to do things that would solve a problem and create some happiness in the process.

Thoughts bring about change.

This statement is very similar to the self-help movement, the Power of Positive Thinking. The theory goes like this: the more you think positive thoughts, the more positivity comes into your life. Your thoughts are like magnets and they produce more of what they are. So negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts. If one thing goes wrong, look out for the domino effect, more is sure to tumble down soon. But if you start looking at the bright side, more sunny side up things will occur in your life.

A very valuable quote from Wayne Dyer centers around this idea: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Dr. Dyer holds a Doctorate in Educational Counseling and has focused his energy on speaking and writing more than 30+ books.

These thoughts, once put to paper and spoken to million, motivate (inspire) others to make changes in their lives. One thought, coupled with another, coupled with another, coupled with another, roll into a ball of like-minded thoughts and can create major change.

These three translations of Ideas Inspire Innovation bring about new meaning to the phrase and are hopefully able to spin additional insight and encouragement into your quest for inspiration or innovation.

  • Ideas Inspire Innovation.
  • Opinions influence introductions.
  • Beliefs produce new methods.
  • Thoughts bring about change.
Innovation doesn’t have to be a lofty exercise. It doesn’t have to be a world changing phenomenon. You probably won’t know if your innovation will have a world-changing effect until after you’ve started down the path and start to see the reaction in yourself and others. But if it’s a slow reaction, don’t let that stop you. If the positive thinking evangelists are right and like thoughts breed more like thoughts, your first steps towards innovation will begin the process of attracting more innovative thoughts and actions. You’ll start to see the change in small but subtle ways.


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